
What is the difference between home and business broadband?

When you look at the world and how it has evolved and adapted over the last 2 decades, one thing stands out as a major factor – Internet. The internet has afforded us opportunities that people could only dream of. Broadband has been a pivotal success in allowing the internet to spread its popularity to all over the world. To ensure that any business is a success in the modern-day working world, companies must have fast and more importantly, reliable broadband. Many people do not know the different types of broadband available to them, such as home broadband and business broadband. Learn about the differences here.

Customer service & Support

Internet going down is an issue that, unfortunately, we will all face numerous times in our lifetime. If you lose connection in your home, it can be extremely inconvenient and annoying as you can’t do the things that you are used to such as going onto social media platforms, listening to music, playing online video games etc. However, if a business loses their internet connection it can be disastrous, especially companies that are purely online based. Although there are a larger number of people working from home since the COVID-19 outbreak, customer service and support still focus heavily on trying to ensure that businesses have secure broadband.

A fully functioning broadband service is vital to ensure that no unwelcomed disasters occur that could lead to loss in revenue, depending on the company as well if you are a customer service company, if internet is down then you are risking damaging your reputation. Broadband providers will often offer deals and packages when selling to a company. In this package could be guarantees such as any issues fixed within 24 hours, less waiting time when calling for any queries on your broadband and there will often be clauses that say you can claim for compensation if you are not happy with the service. These are all benefits that aren’t offered to home broadband customers.

Static IP address

An IP address is a distinctive code that identifies your device when you are logged onto the internet. With home broadband, you will have a ‘dynamic’ IP, which means that it will change every time you go onto your device and connect up to your broadband. Business broadband does not work in this way. Instead, it will be a ‘static’ IP, this simply means that the IP address will not change. This can be extremely beneficial as it allows you to host your own server and website, whilst also being able to connect up with your computer remotely.

Cost differences

Business broadband is obviously the most expensive out of the two as there are packages that can be offered such as the things previously mentioned. But in the eyes of many businesses, it is worth paying that little bit extra for the security. Business broadband can range from £40 all the way up to £500 depending on the quality of broadband you desire. Home broadband which has an average price of around about £30 per month, undoubtedly, this is cheaper option.

Cyber security

As the internet has consumed most people’s lives these days it allows a sense of vulnerability. Some people have chosen to place all of their personal details such as bank details, name, addresses etc. This has led to ‘hackers’ trying their luck to gain all of this information and use it as financial gain. Broadband companies have tried to counteract this by offering a more secure service, especially for business broadband owners. Business broadband will normally include free anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall software to protect your business and your clients from cyber security issues. This is still an issue for home broadband owners, however, there is less financial gain from hacking a home compared to a business.

Contact us now

Here at Omnitel communications, we offer bespoke BT business broadband. Our broadband has many safety features which will allow you to go about your work in a cautious free zone, with some of the best customer service staff on hand to make sure that you are receiving the correct treatment. The best part? All of this is at an affordable cost – Contact us now to find out more.